Alaskan Adventures!

By Jeremy Collison  •   2 minute read

Alaskan Adventures!

If you ever find yourself island hopping around Southeast Alaska, be sure to plan a stop in the quaint little town located on Mitkof Island called Petersburg. My Wife Marissa and I, and our dog Finn, are constantly looking for adventures nearby. Everything from overlanding to multi-day thru hikes or even just day hikes, we are always looking for our next adventure. Last week we made a quick stop by Ohmer Creek Trail on our way back from the south end of the island.

Ohmer Creek Trail is a beautiful, albeit short, trail that meanders along the creek through the temperate rainforest. During certain times of the year Ohmer Creek is chock full of Steelhead, Pink Salmon, and Coho Salmon as well as a healthy population of Cutthroat Trout. Finn, however, is not a fan of fishing and was clearly ready to move on.

The forest in this area looks like something out of a fantasy movie. Huge sitka spruce growing through layers of old mossy blow downs in every direction. Some of these blow downs divert the creek channel and make pools that are great fishing spots, until Finn jumps in a starts doing laps of course.

The ever industrious beavers in the area are constantly trying to expand their empire and love to incorporate man made structures whenever possible. The bridge is now barely above water. Finn was ecstatic to find so many perfectly cut, limb free sticks to pack around and after tearing through the pile to find the perfect stick we were on our way down the trail once again.

We made our way deeper into the forest, veering off the trail a few times to check out some mushrooms or to get a better view of the creek. Finn always has to climb up on top of everything just like a little goat. Fortunately as soon as he gets there he strikes a pose like a runway model.

We made our way back across the creek and up to the trail. Despite the rather persistent rainfall, we were all having a great time. As with many of our adventures during this time of year, the clock brings an early end to our day trips. We had a quick snack and made our way back to the trail head.

Sometimes it’s difficult to find the motivation to get outside and explore when it’s 39° F and raining sideways, but when you get older you are never going to say “Hey, remember that time we sat on the couch and watched that show?”. Adventures make memories and experiences are what make life worth living.

Adventure is out there! Go get it!

Exploring the vast terrain of Southeast Alaska.
Written by Jeremy Collison Nov 3, 2018

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